
The founding members

Ström Eva Karin


Burmeister Jörg


Jirge BurmeisterPersonal: Born in Düsseldorf, Germany in 1956. Son of two journalists active in the resistance. Actual residence in Spain and Switzerland. Remarried, with four children. Languages: German, Spanish, English, Italian.
1978 University examination in Granada/Spain (pruebas de aptitud).
1978 – 85 Study of medicine in Granada, Spain and in Düsseldorf, Germany.
1985 – 93 Postgraduate training in psychiatry and psychotherapy in Switzerland. Training in Psychodrama since 1985. Main trainer, Dr. G. Leutz.. Training and supervisor in behavioural therapy. Training in analytical pair and family therapy including group analysis and hypnotherapy. Training in Jungian analysis.Professional Work (Psychiatry and Psychotherapy)
1998 – 2005 Vice Director of a private Swiss clinic, specialising in psychotherapy (Director: M. Binswanger). Co-Director Institute for Psychotherapy Training Switzerland (CBT, PD)
2005 – Today Co-Director International Training Center Jakob and Zerka Moreno/Granada
2005 – Today Private Consultancy in Switzerland for Psychotherapy, Supervision and Counselling
1991 – Today Director of long term psychodrama and psychodynamic groups in Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Israel, Palestine, Austria, Chile, Mexico, Cuba, Germany, Egypt, India, South Africa and Switzerland.Committees and Organizational Work
1994 -1997 President German Psychodrama Association. Founding member FEPTO, Chair Research Committee FEPTO
1997 – 2003 Chairman German Group Psychotherapeutic Association DAGG.
1998 – 2000 Co-chair Psychodrama Section IAGP.
2000 – 2003 Member Board of Directors, IAGP; Co-editor FORUM; Co-chair Education Committee
2003-2006 Treasurer IAGP, 2006-2009 President Elect IAGP, 2009-2012 President IAGP, 2012-2015 Immediate Past President IAGP, 2015- Past president IAGP


Other posts
Lecturer at universities in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Brazil, Egypt, India and Austria.
Lecturer for UNICEF on Disaster Management (2001). Member National Disaster Management Committee Switzerland. Capacitator and Trainer for Medicins sans Frontieres.
Founder and Dean of the International Summer Academy in Granada since 1999.
Co-Founder Centro Moreno/Granada since 2005.

More than 15 articles on psychotherapy and psychodrama; latest publications: Co-editor Advanced Theory of Psychodrama, Routledge, 2007 (together with C. Baim and M. Maciel); Co-author of Standard Textbook on Psychodrama (edited by the Spanish psychodrama Association), La Coruña, 2008. Co-author: Sociodrama in a changing World, 2011
I am very much inspired by the model of Jakob L. and Zerka T. Moreno, S.H. Foulkes, CG Jung, P Seligman, D Boadella and many others to integrate the knowledge and the special competencies in group methods and other psychotherapeutic cultures, promoting cross-fertilization and a “therapeutic order for the world” we are living in – which means to take on our responsibility. Although the values inherent to group psychotherapy and group work are challenged in the larger society by global ideologies that erode inter-personal solidarity I strongly believe that it i useful to promote actively our competencies and skills in facilitating social processes in society as well as in groups. Resilience = first resist than insist. I like to contribute to solve wider conflicts, beyond the clinic like it was the original project of psychotherapy at large and of psychodrama in particular.

My main interests are: 1. the different layers of the Co-Unconsciousness and its therapeutic and sociatric implications (e.g. trauma work which includes neurobiology, procedures following evidence in psychotherapeutic research as well as myths, drama, arts, dreams and spiritual aspects of our existence), 2. the multicultural dialogue enhancing peace building, mediation and conflict resolution present in the interpersonal concepts of Moreno, Foulkes and many others.

Du Pont Christine


Fürst Jutta

Scientific Director of the Psychodrama Psychotherapy Course at the University of Innsbruck
Born 1953 in Innsbruck/Austria
Address: Salvatorgasse 2a, A-6060 Hall i.T. Austria
Tel: +43 5223 44 695

Language: German and English

Studies: Psychology and Educational sciences graduated 1980
Private practice: Organising, teaching and training of Psychodrama, Supervision, Leading psychotherapy groups, individual psychotherapy

Psychodrama training:
I started with my psychodrama training after a workshop with Gretel Leutz as a student of Moreno Institute Überlingen in 1976. Main trainers were Barbara Erlacher and Ernst Engelke. I was graduated there and by the Psychodrama Section of the Austrian Association of Group-therapy and Group-dynamic in 1982 and have been Psychodrama trainer in this organisation since 1989 until 2015.

Professional development:
After finishing my studies at the university I started working in an institution for mentally and physically handicapped adults and changed after three years to work with children, teachers and parents as a school psychologist and leader of a school psychology centre. Beside this work I was always practising psychodrama with clients in groups and in individual sessions.
After giving birth to our son Jakob 1995 (it was just in the time the FEPTO meeting took place in Louvain) I stopped working for a while and enjoyed family life together with my husband. Step by step I began with psychotherapeutic work again. Since 1991 I have been teaching psychodrama at the University. 2001 the training course for psychodrama psychotherapy started at the University of Innsbruck and I became in charge of the scientific leadership of this course.

My curiosity brought me in contact with psychodrama and is still leading me to new paths I am steadily looking for. Psychodrama developed my ability to see always the strengths in people I am in contact with and facilitates beside my sense of humour all the enriching encounters I had and will have in my life.

Founding member and member of the FEPTO board (see History of FEPTO) and member of IAGP (International Association of Group Psychotheray and Group Processes).
Member of the scientific advisory board of the Moreno Institut Überlingen and of the scientific advisory board of the Journal for Psychodrama and Sociometry, Germany

Main publications: Fürst J., Ottomeyer K., Pruckner H.,Ed. (2004) Psychodrama-Therapie. Ein Handbuch. Facultas. Wien
About 30 articles in different journals and books

Hurme Pirkko


Langley Dorothy


Mävers Ildikó

Ildikó MäversWe have lost a great psychodramatist

Ildikó Mävers, who left us 2015 November 17.

Ildikó took the bull by the horns as Europa in the Greek mythology and created an organisation for 25 years ago, Psychodrama Institute für Europa. Their training in psychodrama covered a big part of the Eastern European countries, before the iron curtain fell. Her work created the basics of sustainable psychodrama training in those countries. This fruitful work couldn’t be done without her dedication and competencies in both teaching and organising.

I met Ildikó for the first time in Hungary where we both started our first psychodrama continuous training 27 years ago. We often stayed at the same hotel, the Guest House of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, build in Social Realist style in concrete with it’s own kitchen and puritan interior design. In the evenings, when we were both in Budapest during the same week, Ildikó made a nice tea table with cookies and flowers. We were able to share our teaching experiences. We had a special relationship in our Hungarian origins and in our German / Swedish present lives. We both came back to Hungary bringing psychodrama to well educated psychologists and psychiatrists. A milieu had pervaded from the Budapest School of psychoanalysis and from a group-centred psychodrama, which was already in use by Professor Ferenc Mérei who met Moreno 1963, and his students.

My last meeting with Ildikó was in the summer when we prepared the large group warm up at the 25th anniversary of the Hungarian Psychodrama Association. Somehow the circle was closed, but not the importance of Ildikó’s eternal contributions in psychodrama’s history.

Her far too early departure is a big loss for all psychodramatists in Europe.

Judith Teszáry
Sweden, December 2015


Ildikó´s farewell

Ildikos letzter Gruß

Nève-Hanquet Chantal

Member of the « Centre de Formation à l’Intervention Psychosociologique » (CFIP)
Bruxelles Belgium
Born in 1943 in Liège, Belgium

Address : Rue du Rivage 20, 5100 Dave, Belgique
Tél : +32 477 85 01 03
Fax : +32 81 40 23 01

Languages: French and English (understanding of written and spoken language)

Studies: Degree in psychology, 1981
Psychodrama education
In 1968 I began my training in psychodrama under the leadership of Anne Ancelin Schützenberger, trainer at that time of the “Groupe français de Sociométrie et de Dynamique de Groupe” and guest of the Verveine (Louvain) which became a section of the CFIP in 1977.
In the course of my training I participated in many different psychodrama groups and acquainted myself with a variety of therapeutic approaches.

Psychodrama activities
From 1970 to 1973 I led a therapeutic psychodrama group with children.
From 1977 to 1998 I led a therapeutic psychodrama group (experiential level) and in 1998 I started and led the didactic psychodrama group at the CFIP.

I also developed with Jacques Pluymaekers (trainer in family therapy), a psychodramatic method called “landscape genogram”, a transgenerational approach which integrates metaphor with the play of psychodrama.
The psychodrama, with its dimension of group work, made me aware of the symbolism that emerges as a result of the collective work of the group. This symbolism can be shown to relate to the work of Jung on the collective unconscious and the archetypes.
I make every effort to ensure that psychodrama remains alive in French speaking Belgium.
I conduct landscape genogram groups in France, Greece, Italy, Quebec and Switzerland.
Since 1993 I have been conducting different training and supervision groups in Sofia, Bulgaria
I have written many articles about the landscape genogram with Jacques Pluymaekers and about the body in therapy with Christine van der Borght. In addition, I have co-authored several articles with Pierre Fontaine.

Others specialisations
In 1988 I became a Jungian analyst a the SBPA (Société Belge de Psychologie Analytique)
In 1981 I became a trainer in family therapy (IPFS- Namur Be)
In my psychotherapeutic practice, I work with individuals, couples and families.
I conduct several supervision groups.

Association membership
Member of SBPA (Société Belge de Psychologie Analytique), Abiffs and EFTA ( European Family Therapy Asociation), Groupement des formateurs en thérapie familiale, Bruxelles,
ABP (Association Belge de Psychodrame), EAP (section belge), IAGP and a council member and treasurer of FEPTO.

Roma-Torres Antonio


Psychiatrist, family therapist and director of psychodrama, he was director of the Psychiatry and Mental Health Clinic at the Centro Hospitalar São João – Porto (2007-2017), coordinator of the Psychiatry and Mental Health Unit at the Hospital Escola da Universidade Fernando Pessoa (2018-2020) and co-founder of the Portuguese Psychodrama Society and the Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organizations, and member of the Board of Directors of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy (2001-2009).

António Roma Torres is also a film critic, author of published plays and of the book Tudo o que semper quer saber sobrePsicodrama (mas nuncadaremPerguntar a Woody Allen) (2018).

Shearon Ella Mae


Ella Mae Sheron is a PhD in Psychology, a student of Jacob Moreno and Zerka Moreno. She is the founder and head of her Psychodrama Institute in Cologne since 1976. He went to Germany a year after Moreno’s death with the express purpose of spreading the method. She previously worked in the US as a psychodrama therapist as well as a lecturer at the University of Kentucky. In the USA, Germany and other European countries, she has organized psychodrama workshops at various universities and clinics. She participated in national and international congresses, as well as in radio and television programs.

Dr. Ella Mae Sheron is a Graduate Psychodrama Facilitator at the Moreno Institute in Beacon, New York and an acclaimed trainer, both in the US and Europe.

Teszáry Judith

Beautiful JudithDirector of Psychodrama – trained by Zerka Moreno at the Moreno Institute, Beacon, New York; Accredited Trainer and Supervisor at the Hungarian Psychodrama Association (TES)Psychotherapist – step I. Stockholm University

Address, Norrbackagatan 43. 113 41 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46 8 31 52 86, +46 739 429948

Language: native Hungarian, second – Swedish, read & understood – English.

Have been working 17 years part time at Stockholm City Social administration as psychologist, providing training, supervision to social workers, foster families; doing assessment of foster families and adoptive couples.
Private practice: providing supervision; assessment of presumptive foster families and couples; psychodrama therapy groups; family and couple therapy; conflict transformation and mediation.

Studies – psychology, sociology, pedagogy – Stockholm University
Family therapy training

Psychodrama studies – Moreno Institute, Beacon New York 1977-1983, Zerka Moreno, (certified 1983)
Special seminars with Marcia Karp, Ella Mae Sharon (Psychopathology), Anne Schützenberger (Genosociogram), Clare Danielsson (mediation and community building) and more.

Psychodrama Training Given: to Psychodrama Academy, Stockholm as main trainer,

Hungarian Psychodrama Association as main trainer & supervisor since 1987.

Norwegian Psychodrama School, as supervisor & examiner,
Uppsala Psychodrama Institute, special seminars, examiner;
Providing special seminars and training: Sweden, Turkey, Hungary, Greece, Poland, Netherlands, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia and Norway.
Workshops and lectures at national and international congresses
Very soon after the start of my psychodrama training 1977 with Zerka I started to use the method in my family therapy work, in conflict management at hospitals, organizational management and wherever I worked. The 70-es and even the 80-es were an era of free experimenting of creative methods, in the spirit of anti-psychiatry. Today I use psychodrama and sociodrama as supervision method for different staff, as educational tool for social workers and family therapists. Further more as assessment method (Genosociogram among others) of assumptive foster families and adoptive couples.

My special area is psychodrama work with psychosomatic disease.

Research – 5 years treatment and research program with long lasting psychosomatic disease at the National Institute for Psychosocial Factors and Health, Stockholm.
My asset is my curiosity and creativity, my enjoyment is the involvement with people, and my hope is to build pleasant structures for myself and for others. Democratic values and equality are my leading stars in human relations.

Membership – Founding member of the Swedish Psychodrama Association, (chair a couple of years);
Founding member of Sweden’s Association of Psychodramatists (chair);
Editor of the Swedish Psychodrama Journal, 26 years.
Member of IAGP (SPC)
Founding member of FEPTO.
FEPTO President and co-chair of the European Affairs Committee 2002 – 2008.


Teszáry, J., Theorell, T. (ed) När orden inte räcker, When words are not enough Natur och Kultur, 1998, Sweden
Teszáry, J., Berglind, H. (ed) Skapande ögonblick, Creative Moments 1998, Cura, Sweden

Töres Theorell, Kristoffer Konarski, Ann-Margret Burell, Robert Engström, Ann-Mari Lagercrantz, Judith Teszary, Bartolomé de la Torre, Hugo Westerlund, and Karin Thulin:

“Notes on Expression of Emotion and Chronic Illness”.
Theorell, T., Konarski, K., Westerlund, H., Burell, A-M., Engstrom, R., Lagercrantz, A-M., Teszary, J., & Thulin, K. (1998). Treatment of patients with chronic somatic symptoms by means of art psychotherapy: A process description. Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics, 67(1), 50-56. KARGER

Teszáry, J., Wiener, R., Adderley, D., Kirk, K., (ed) Sociodrama in a Changing world, ed., 2011, Lulu
Teszáry, J., Supervision in Psychodrama, Experiential Learning in Psychotherapy and Training, ed. Hannes Krall, Jutta Fürst & Pierre Fontaine, Springer 2013

Author of several articles on psychosomatic and on other topics, in the Swedish Psychodrama Journal.

Göransson Ingrid


Barz Helmut

Barz Helmut

Prof. Dr. phil. was the leader of the C. G. Jung-Institutes in Zurich,“ Institut für Psychodrama auf der Grundlage der Jungschen Psychologie” psychiatrist, psychotherapist, Jungian analyst. Born 1931 in Hamburg.
Author of Bluebeard, Zurich: Kreuz-Verlag, 1987
• Vom Wesen der Seele
• Männersache. Kritischer Beifall für den Feminismus
• Die zwei Gesichter der Wirklichkeit.
• Oder: Auf der Suche nach den Göttern
• Selbst-Erfahrung. Tiefenpsychologie und christlicher Glaube
• Stichwort Selbstverwirklichung
• Blaubart – Wenn einer vernichtet, was er liebt

This could be the best way for a father to die, released from pain and surrounded by his love ones. Even though it must be a chock when a power of a man fads away and leave the earth. But the very special connection will stay there forever.
I am with you in your pain.

Dear Friends,

Sorrow and sadness for the terrible new of the death of our friend Founding Member Helmut Barz would like to express my deep emotion with this image, and share with you all mourn and sadness. The next Saturday 17 March we’ll burn a candle between 19 and 20 in memory of the dear Helmut in different place contemporaneously. So we’ll feel more near to share our mourning in our friend’s Psychodramatic Communities.

Sharing of tears in a deep hug,
Wilma Scategni


JUNGSCHEN PSYCHOLOGIE Wengi 11, 8126 Zumikon

Wirsind tief betroffen vom plötzlichen Hinschied von

Dr. med. Helmut Barz

17. September 1932 . 8. März 2007
Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Neurologie
Er hatunser .Institut für Psychodrama auf der Grundlage der Jungschen Psychologie. begründet. Es ist sein Verdienst und Teil seiner grossen Lebensleistung, das Konzept von Jakob L. Moreno mit der Psychologie C. G. Jungsverbunden zu haben. Damitvermittelteer dem Psychodrama wesentliche Impulse, die weitüberunsere Landesgrenzen hinaus strahlen und dem Institut internationales Ansehen verleihen.

Helmut hatuns – und viele andere Menschen – immerwieder durch wichtige und schwierige Phasen unseres Lebens begleitet.Auch dafür gedenken wirseiner in grosser Dankbarkeit. Unsere Liebe und unser Mitgefühl giltseiner Frau Ellynor und der ganzen Familie Barz.

Die Leitung des Instituts:Johannes Barz, Hélène Boitel, Thomas Hasler,Ursula Schaub und Frank Schwertfeger

Wir nehmen Abschied am Donnerstag, 15. März 2007, um 14.15 Uhr in der Ref. Kirche Küsnacht

Todesanzeige Helmut Barz

De Inocencio Roberto

De Inocencio Roberto

I was born on Feb. 18, 1944 in Havana, Cuba. My family was of humble origins and their cultural background was scarce. As they have told me, I always showed a keen interest and curiosity towards things and people. My early years were spent attending school, sharing time and games with friends – some of which are still part of my life – and readings comics. When I was around 6 years old, my family moved from downtown Havana to live in the outskirts of the city. This change in my life was fundamental and probably was the cause of my taste for open spaces and my love for nature itself. My taste for music, languages and dancing became evident and was developed during adolescence. That was a time of exploration along with friends. Some of these were not only friends but also dear members of my family. My father’s mother played a relevant role during my early life and kept me company in very difficult moments of my childhood. Her death, when I was around ten years old, was a hard blow and her abscence is still noted by me.
I left Cuba when I was 17 and went to live in USA. I lived there for the following six years. They covered my late adolescence and the early years of my adulthood. I had to work hard for survival and, following the advice of a dear friend, started to study at CCNY. I worked toward a BA in English Literature and Art. What I learned during those years have left in me an endless interest for the arts and a knowledge of the English language that make me hesitate at times when I am speaking Spanish; my mother tongue. I served the US Army. It was not an easy experience. I learned a lot from it, however. Persistence, faith in my latent resources, discipline, compassion and empathy as well as patience and tolerance became usual companions during that long year. They are still with me. When I was 23 I decided to start studying medicine, largely influenced by a teacher at the University of Miami.
So in 1967, I went to Spain. It was not an easy decision to move from America to Europe. I started my career at the University of Salamanca and finished it at the University of Santiago de Compostela, six years later. Those were years of discoveries, of fulfilment of the dreams of youth I had not had the chance to live before, due to the need for survival that was always present during my years in the States. These were years full of romance during which I established relationships which were to determine the rest of my life: friends – once again – and love. I met Maria in Santiago. She was to be mother of my children Carla y Mario.

I practiced rural medicine for one year in Avila before I was accepted as a resident in Psychiatry at Parayas Hospital and Valdecilla Hospital in Santander, Spain I have lived and practiced in Santander since. There I have established my home and my place of living. I still have a penchant for literature, music and my work. However, being a father has been the role from which I have learned most in my life. It is for this reason that I am most appreciative of those who have made it possible. I am also very appreciative of what have become basic values in my life; namely, friendship, honesty and loyalty. I have learned that these are qualities that are acquired early in life. I have also learned that is easy to fault them.

Roberto de Inocencio

Fahlström Borg Eva

Eva Fahlström Borg is a Swedish senior psychotherapist and paychodramatist. She works internationally, doing teaching, training and supervision in the field of Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, Sociodrama, Bibliodrama, Improvised Theatre and Restorative Justice. She is an activist in Social Transformations and Democracy. Eva Fahlström Borg is a former member of the Board of IAGP (2003-2012). Co-chair of Pre-conference in Rome (2009). Founding member of FEPTO, was awarded 2010 “Life Time Achievement” by FEPTO.


Karp Marcia


Past Honorary President of the British Psychodrama Association, Past Board member of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes, Founder member of FEPTO, Recipient of the J.L.Moreno Lifetime Achievement Award, American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the BPA.
Co-editor of three books on psychodrama, Psychodrama: Inspiration and Technique, Psychodrama Since Moreno and The Handbook of Psychodrama, publisher Routledge. Marcia travels to many countries to teach psychodrama. In private practice in London, England.


Barz Ellynor

1931 – 2013. Geboren in Schlesien. Studium der Pädagogik und Theologie in Hamburg und Tübingen. Verheiratet gewesen mit Dr. Helmut Barz, vier Kinder. Dozentin und Lehranalytikerin am C. G. Jung-Institut in Zürich.

Meyer Melinda Ashley

Melinda A. Meyer, born January 18, 1955, California, USA
Ankerveien 36C, 0785 Oslo, Norway
Mob +47 900 700 78


Academic background: Research

2007 – present Project leader of EXIT (Expressive Art in Transit) 203 unaccompanied minor refugees asylum seekers. An early intervention and longitudinal study of mental health

2007 PhD in Expressive Arts “Repatriation and Testimony” EGS Supervisor: Proff. Paolo Knill and NKVTS/UIO Proff. Nora Ahlberg

2007 Certified to use the CIDI research interview method.

2004 “Qualitative research methods in medicine” 32 hours (3 Vekttall)

2004 Transcultural research on trauma seminar. Medical faculty. Edvard Hauff . 25 hours

1998 Research seminar: Medical Anthropology: New directions and secure foundations in Anthropology for Medicine. 30 hours (1,5 Vekttall)

1996 – 1997 CAGS (Certificate of advanced graduate studies) European graduate school, Switzerland

1996 Research seminar “Qualitative research methods in medicine” 15 hours.

1994 Research seminar “Anthropology and the body” 70 hours (3.0 academic points in the Ph.D. program at The Faculty of Medicine, UiO, Norway)

1992 – 2006 Longitudinal research project with Bosnian war refugees (14 years)

1986 Qualitative research seminar. 35 hours. Benedicte Madson

Therapeutic education and degrees

2007 Certified Group Psychotherapist in Psychodrama from the European Association fo Psychotherapy (EAP)

1998   1 year part time training ass. in music therapy with Margareta Warja.

1993 Clinical specialist in Psychiatric Nursing

1990 Registered supervisor for nurses, Norwegi­an Nurse Associati­on

1991 Certified Director in Psychodrama, Group Psychotherapy and Sosiometri.

1991 4 year education in Bioenergetic Character Analysis (Alexander Lowen)

1981 – 1983 The North Charles Institute for the Addictions. Dept. of Psychiatry. Affiliated with Harvard Medi­cal School. Completed the Addiction  Treatment Internship Program.

1980 – 1982 Master of Arts in Expressive Therapy (2 years full time study) Lesley University 13 Mellen Street, Cambridge, MA. USA

1982 Awarded a honors commendation for excellence “Falling into the Body”

1975 Red Cross Nursing School, Lørenskog. Norway

1978 Graduated with RN degree.

Professional experience. Research

2007 – present. Research project on stress reducing early intervention in reception centres. The model ”EXIT” (Expressive Art in Transition) was applied.

2001 – 2007 PhD “Repatriation and Testimony”. Longitudinal study following 22 Bosnian war refugees from they arrived in Norway in 1992 until 2006, eight years after they had returned.

2004 – 2005 Research project carried out by SINTEF and NKVTS: “Det hainnle om å leve” . What activities improve the mental health of asylum seekers in refugee reception centres?

2004 – pres. Researcher 50% at NKVTS , Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies, Unirand, Uio, Oslo

1990 – 2003 Expressive Therapist/Head Nurse. Psychosocial Center for Refugees, University of Oslo.

teaching and clinical work

1998 – 2002 Teacher and researcher at UCA (Univercidad Centro America). North-South development project between Universidad Centro America and UiO (University of Oslo, Norway).Master degree in: Violence, human rights and mental health.

1988-1990  Assistent administrator for project on the official public servant role at Ullersmo State Prison pris­on. Proj­ect administrator: Psychologist Jan Lanesskog. The project was prepared by the prison board (Ministry of Justice).

1991 – 1996 Group Therapy Project “Expressive Therapy with traumati­sed refugees living in Exile” Co-therapist:Gorden Harris MD. Supervisor: Murray Cox MD

1991 – 1994 Expressive therapy Project “Stress prevention in refugee reception centres”. Supervisor: Prof.Kirsti Malterud MD. Funding: Council of Mental Health,Oslo,Norway

1992 – 1994 Rapid screening for post-traumatic stress disor­der among Bosnian war refugees.  Project leader: Dr.Me­tte Nygård MD Supervisor: Prof.Kirsti Malterud MD. Funding: Council of Mental Health, Oslo, Norway

1996 Repatriation group with Bosnian war refug­ees. Funding: Halldis og Josef`legat. Council of Mental Health, Oslo, Norway

Oudijk Renée


Scategni Wilma

Scategni Wilma


Past positions:
– psychiatrist in the Italian National Health Service for fifteen years
– director of a public psychiatric unit for over ten years
– conductor of psychodrama and psychotherapy training groups at a psychiatric day hospital

Present positions:
– training analyst in Analytical Psychology and in psychodrama group techniques – Accredited Analyst and Docent at the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich, for the CIPA (Centro Italiano di Psicologia Analytica) [Italian Center for Analytical Psychology], and for the COIRAG (Confederazione Italiana Ricerca ed Analisi sui Gruppi) [the Italian Confederation for Research and Analysis on Groups]
– Docent in many Cultural Events – CEU (Continuing Education Units)in Italy and abroad
– IAGP Individual Member
– Founding member of FEPTO (the Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations) and Member of the Board, chair of the Newsletter Committee, 2004 – 2006
– Editor of Newsletter Commitee FEPTO 2004 – 2006
– Founding Member, President and Director of Training Institut of GAJAP (Group psychotherapy and psychodrama Association on the basis of Jungian Psychology)-Accredited CEU (Continuing Education Unit)in Italy and abroad
– Member SIP (Società Italiana di Psichiatria)
– Past president and founding member of APRAGI (Association for Research and Training in Psychotherapy and Institutional Analysis), which is a member of IAGP, the International Association of Group Psychotherapy.
– Director of the journal: Anamorphosys-Gruppi, Psicologia analitica, Psicodramma.

Author of many articles on the subject Analytical Psychology, Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and a Book in German, Italian and English: Psychodrama: group processes and dreams – Archetypal Images of Individuation-Routledge, London, April 2002 (already published in Germany – 1994 and in Italy – 1996).

Köberl Elisabeth


Vuorinen Riitta Hiillos

Leutz Grete


is a German doctor, psychotherapist and founderof the Morenian Institute of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy in Überlingen near Lake Constance. She knew Moreno in the United States where she had moved, and where she was studying medicine. She was perfect to  play the role of a “psychodrama sister” for the little Regina Moreno. She also deepened the techniques of role-playing and sociometry, both on the Beacon stage and on the domestic one, becoming a pioneer spirit in systemic approach and in psychotherapy of the family.

In 1973 Grete A. Leutz was one of the co-founders  of the ” International Association of Group Therapy ” – IAGP. From 1986 to 1989 she was also President. Besides teaching for ten years at the Medical School of Hannover, she also taught psychodrama therapy in Lindau and Lübeck for 30 years.

Boria Giovanni


Giovanni Boria web Born in 1936 in Friuli/Italy.
Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. Psychodramatist trained by Zerka Moreno in Beacon (N.Y., USA) since 1977. Founded in 1980 the “Studio di Psicodramma di Milano”, center of training for psychodramatists. Since 2001 director in Milan of the school of specialization in psychotherapy, recognized by the Italian Ministry of University.
Founding member (1981) and first President of AIPsiM (Italian Association of Morenian Psychodramatists).
Member of IAGP since 1983. Secretary (1986-1982) and treasurer (1986-1992) of this association.
Founding member and first President (1993-1996) of FEPTO.
Started other psychodrama training programs:
in 1991 in Gataia, Romania;
in 1996 in Mexico City (European School of Psychodrama), Mexico.
Psychodrama publications:
1979 – Introduzione allo psicodramma moreniano – Centro di Psicoterapia, Brescia
1983 – Tele. Manuale di psicodramma classico – Angeli, Milano
1991 – Spontaneità e incontro nella vita e negli scritti di J.L.Moreno – UPSEL, Padova
1997 – Lo psicodramma classico – Angeli, Milao
2001 – Metodología de acción para una existencia creadora. El psicodramma clásico-– Editorial Itaca, Mexico, D.F.
2005 – Psicoterapia psicodrammatica. Sviluppi del modello moreniano nel lavoro terapeutico con gruppi di adulti – Angeli, MilanoMail address: via Cola Montano, 18 – 20159 Milano, Italy
Tel. 0039-335.52.666.82
Web site:
Lapoukhina Elena

Psychologist, psychotherapist, Jungian-oriented psychodrama therapist, business trainer and coach, organizational development consultant, director of the Institute of Psychodrama, Coaching and Role Training (ИПКиРТ)

  • Private practice of psychological counseling and psychotherapy since 1976. Psychodrama as the main approach since 1990.
  • Psychodramatic practice and psychodrama training in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Lipetsk, Tolyatti, and Vladivostok.
  • “Advance” — a client-supervisor group for psychodramatists.
  • Psychodramatic client groups are for those who want to solve various personal problems and overcome difficulties in communication, who strive for personal growth.

Co-author and compiler of books «Play more Russian. Psychodrama in Russia: stories, meanings, symbols» (collective monograph), as well as various articles devoted to psychodrama, Jungian analysis, communication issues, influences and confrontations, manipulations.


Professional and personal interests – psychodrama, dramaturgy, archetypal psychology, protection of boundaries and resistance to manipulation, negotiation culture, male and female psychology.

Dolgopolov Nifont

Dolgopolov Nifont

Born in Moscow, Russia, in 1953.
Passed the 22nd of January 2018.

Education: Moscow State University, Department of Psychology (1978).
Education in Psychodrama: Training program led by international team: Högberg

Göran (main trainer), Burmeister Jörg, Fahlström Borg Eva, Karp Marcia, Leutz Grete, Novitzkaya Natalia, Schützenberger Anne Ancelin, Shearon Ella Mae and others ( 1989-1996).

Certified Psychodrama Therapist

Education in Gestalt Therapy: Hamburg F. Perls Gestalt Institute (1989-1993), French Gestalt Institute (J.M. Robine, 1993-1996), GATLA (R.Resnick,1996-2002). Certified Gestalt Therapist.
Certified Psychodrama Trainer (by Federation of Russian Training Psychodrama Institutes), certified Gestalt Trainer (by Association of Russian Speaking Gestalt Institutes).

Activities: Founder and Director of Moscow Institute of gestalt and Psychodrama (MIGIP, 1996 until now), cofounder of FEPTO, Federation of Russian Training Psychodrama Institutes, Association of Russian Speaking Gestalt Institutes. Director of long term educational programs in Moscow, Siberia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia. Author of “Futuropractice” (Method of psychotherapeutic work with Future), leader of therapeutic groups, therapist with individual clients. Editor of Journals “Russian Gestalt”, “Psychodrama on the Scene and in Life”.

Dear Colleagues!

Council of the Russian Association of Psychodrama regretfully and sorrowfully reports that on Monday morning, January 22, 2018, after a serious long illness passed away Nifont Dolgopolov, one of the leading Russian psychodrama therapists, director of the Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama, co-founder FEPTO.

Nifont for a long time courageously fought with a deadly disease and continued to conduct the groups, accept clients and lead the Institute.

In our memory, Nifont remains strong, courageous, kind and sympathetic, always with an open smile and a wise look, ironic and straightforward, honest and subtly sensing, a talented psychotherapist and writer.

This is a huge loss for all of us.

Very sorry!
We grieve!

Elena Lopukhina – President of the Association of Psychodrama, Russia, director of the Institute of Psychodrama, Coaching and Role Training, founding member FEPTO.

Ekaterina Mikhailova – Vice-President of the Association of Psychodrama, Russia,  director for research, supervisor and coach of psychodrama training programs of the Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy.

Viktor Semenov – Vice-President of the Psychodrama Association, Russia, director of the Institute of Psychodrama and Psychological Counseling.

Fontaine Pierre

Born in 1924. Prof. Emeritus of Child & Family Psychiatry, Faculty of Psychology, Cath. Univ. of Louvain. (Belgium).
Psychodramatist trained by Anne Ancelin Schützenberger since 1958 and later also by Dean and Doreen Elefthery (1967). Founded in 1963 and directed till 1993, the psychodrama training school La Verveine Brussels, now directed by Chantal Nève. My specialities: psychodrama training and psychodrama with persons with a motor or mental handicap.
Was co-chair of the VI. International Psychodrama Conference in Amsterdam (1971) and during years member of the IAGP Board of Directors.

Was at the start of FEPTO in 1993 and at its foundation in Leuven in 1996. Vice-president and chair of the Training Committee 2000 – 2008.
Main recent PD publications: P. Fontaine (Ed) Psychodrama Training. A European View (2d Ed. 2001). Preparing as editor Psychodrama; Studies and Applications (2008)

Other activities: poverty and especially collaborative research with poor persons. Publications (Editor) La connaissance des pauvres (1996)
I founded and was during years in charge of a Clinical department of child and family psychiatry at my university and of the training of child psychiatrists. My theoretical orientation is mostly Systemic.

I am married with Dorothee, who was also a psychodramatist working in psychiatric hospital and my co-trainer at La Verveine.


Högberg Göran


He is a doctor, medical doctor, specialist in general psychiatry and child and youth psychiatry, and a psychotherapist. Working in Stockholm, Sweden.

Naor Yaacov

M.A. C.A.G.S. T.E.P.

Home address: 7 Hatzanhanim Street, Rehovot, 76211 Israel
Tel: +972-8-9458629

Born: August 1, 1948 (Munich,Germany) Raised in Israel since 1949, except 1973-1981 which was spent in the USA. Served 3 years in IDF (Israeli Army). Married+ 2 children. Fluent in English and Hebrew. Working knowledge of German.

Education and training:
1996-1998 Certificate in Advanced Graduate Studies (C.A.G.S) The European Graduate
School (EGS), Switzerland
1981-1985 Certified Trainer, Educator and Practitioner (T.E.P) in Psychodrama, Group
Psychotherapy and Sociometry. The American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama.
1981-1982 Certified Therapist and Trainer in Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy. The
Israeli Association of Creative and Expressive Arts Therapies.
1974-1981 Certified Director (C.P) in Psychodrama, Group Psychotherapy and Sociometry.
The American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama.
1975-1977 M.A in Expressive Arts Therapy. Specialization in Psychodrama and Therapeutic
use of Theater. Lesley College Graduate School,Cambridge, Mass,USA
1969-1973 B.A in Psychology and Theater Arts.The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Professional experience:
1977-present Training and teaching in the areas of Psychodrama,Therapeutic Theater and
Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy in Europe, the USA, Canada and Israel.
1983-present Founder and Director of ” The Inner Theater-Psychodrama Center” which
became in 1996 “Isis Israel”- Psychodrama and Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy
Center, Tel-Aviv.
1983-present Founder and Co-Director of “Confronting the Holocaust”,a special
psychodrama dialogue project bringing second and third generation Holocaust
survivors together with young Germans.
1988-present Faculty Member of the Advanced Expressive Arts Therapy Spring-Symposium
sponsored by the International Network of Creative Arts Training Centers.
1994-present Psychodrama and Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy staff trainer. The
Palestinian Counseling Center (PCC) Jerusalem.
1981-1996 Assistant Professor, Director of the Psychodrama Training Program at the Arts
Institute Project in Israel, Tel Aviv.
1981-1991 Psychodrama Therapist, “Shalvata Mental Health Hospital”, Hod Hasharon,
1981-1987 Co-Founder Expressive Arts Therapist and Psychodrama Director.”Misholim”-
The Jerusalem Expressive Arts Therapy Center for Children.
1977-1981 Director of the Psychodrama and Expressive Therapy Program. Lawrence
Unit, Danvers Mental State Hospital, Massachusets, USA.

IEATA: The International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (member)
ASGPP: The American Society Of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (member)
The Israeli Association of Psychodrama (founding member)
The Israeli Association of Creative and Expressive Therapies (member)
The International Network of Creative Arts Therapy Training Centers (institute member)
FEPTO: Federation of the European Psychodrama Training Organizations (founding member), Chair of the Networking Committee since 2008
PIfE: Psychodrama Institute fur Europa (member)

Pintèr Gábor

Pinter Gabor 1124 Budapest,
Fodor u.46, Hungary
Tel: +36 120 22401
Mob: +36 203 291 012


Professional degrees , Education

  • Psychologist (MA, Eötvös Loránd University, 1986)
  • Electrical engineer (MA, Technical University, Budapest, 1981)
  • Clinical Psychologist (special exam, Semmelweis University, 1991)
  • Psychotherapist  (special exam, Semmelweis University, 1991)
  • Scientific advisor (Semmelweis University, 2017)
  • PhD: (ELTE University, Research field: Psychotherapy)
  • CSc: – Candidate of Sciences (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1992)
  • College Professor in Psychology (Pető Institute, 1995-)
  • Scientific Chief Counselor
  • Honorary University Professor” since 2017-

Working places:

2007 – currently:  Moreno Centrum,  founder, leader    (The psychodrama resource center for attendance and transmission of intellectual and spiritual treasure of J.L. and Z.T Moreno, Budapest)
1993  currently:   International Pető Institute, Budapest. College Professor of Psychology and Chief Counselor , teaching psychology(1993-), Professor(1995-), chief of Department of Education (1995-1999),   scientific counselor (2008-), field mental hygenics, psychology, psychotherapy, member of Institute management
1995-curr. Eötvös Loránd University PPK Dept. Counceling, postgraduate teaching of psychologists for individual and group counceling
1999-2001  Semmelweis University of Medicine , Institute of  Clinical Psychology , univ.reader, branch leader/ Psychotherapy
1986-1992  Semmelweis University of Medicine, Institute of  Psychiatry, psychologist, psychotherapist, lecturer, researcher
1986-1990 Hungarian Academy of Sciences,  postgraduate doctoral research fellowship in Psychotherapy
1988   DAAD Fellowship in Germany Univ.of Hamburg, at the branch of Psychology and at the Psychiatric Clinic

Degrees in the field of Psychotherapy / Psychodrama

  • Group dynamics, training group leading (1979/84)
  • Person-Centered Psychotherapist, (1998)
  • Person-Centered Psychotherapist, Trainer and Supervisor (1990)
  • Psychodrama Assistant (Moreno Institut Überlingen, Germany, and Hungarian Psychodrama Association)
  • Psychodrama Psychotherapist (Psychodrama Institute for Europe and Hungarian Psychodrama Association)
  • Psychodrama Trainer and Supervisor (1994)
  • Trainer and Therapist in Child Psychodrama (2007).
  • Other studied and practiced psychotherapy methods:behavioral, cognitive, relaxational, symbolic, sociodramatic, transactional

Professional organizing and scientific activities:

  • Leading research „Effectiveness of Psychotherapy” in Hungary (1985-1992)
  • Organising Hungarian Person-Centered Association, Founder, first President (1987)
  • Development of the Hungarian training model for Person-Centered Therapy (with Prof.László Tringer)
  • Former President of the Hungarian Psychodrama Association (1992-1995)
  • Chief of the Training Committee in the Hungarian Psychodrama Association (2013-cont.)
  • Member of Doctoral Committee for Psychology at Hungarian Academy of Sciences (in the past)
  • Taking part in development of training model for Psychodrama in Hungary
  • Implementation and further development of Sociodrama
  • Development of the original method „Mytosociodrama” (together with Dr.J.Burmeister, Granada, Spain from 1995-until now)
  • Development of the Group method for Career counseling for young (with Prof. Magda Ritoók)
  • Development of the ”Integrated Training Model”
  • Development of the „Role Molecule Model”
  • Development of Training Method for Improving Coping Strategies/ Psychological Immun System
  • Development of a Burnout Prevention Group Therapy Method
  • Research in the field of Psychotherapy, Social Atom, Self-esteem
  • Editor of Psychiatria Hungarica (in the nineties)
  • Board member at International Peto Association (in the nineties)
  • Responsible publisher of Psychodrama Journal (in the nineties)
  • Representation of Hungary, Hungarian Psychodrama Association at IAGP, International Association of Group Psychotherapy (former)
  • One of the organisers of the European cooperation of Person-Centered associations
  • Founding member of FEPTO (Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organizations) (1993-)
  • The Hungarian representative of FEPTO from the beginning(1993-), board member , committee member for years
  • Member of Hungarian Psychotherapy Council (1991- currently)
  • Member of Clinical Psychology Council / Ministry of Health (1994- 2010)

Practical activities:

  • Group Psychotherapy (Psychodrama, Person-Centered)
  • Individual Psychotherapy (Person-Centered, Cognitive, Monodrama)
  • Teaching of Psychologists at ELTE University
  • -accredited complete courses for Professionals at the field of Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Mental Health professions
  • Founding and leading of “Psychodrama Master Class” (2000-cont.) for psychodrama professionals
  • Leading workshops and holding lectures in Sociodrama in Hungary, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Greece, etc.
  • Presenting mythosociodrama (co-inventor: J.Burmeister, Granada, Spain) in Hungary and abroad
  • Leading many workshops and holding lectures in Psychodrama in many countries
  • Psychotherapy and helping of parents of handicapped children
  • Leading skill training groups
  • Management counseling, Coaching for senior/top executives
  • Training of Psychotherapy, Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, Sociodrama
  • Teaching of Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy at Universities (25 years, Semmelweis, ELTE, Debrecen. Pécs)
  • Leading of mental hygienic and psychotherapeutic field at International Peto Institute
  • Partner Trainer of “König und Partners” in Hamburg
  • Psychological help of parents of children of special needs
  • Group psychotherapy for children of special needs
  • Burnout prevention, burnout therapy
  • Groups for Improving aggressive behavior, coping strategies, “pscyhological immun system”
  • Supervision in Psychodrama, Psychotherapy
  • Founding and leading Moreno Centrum as international partnership (Z.Moreno, USA, G.Leutz, Germany, Burmeister, and N.Navarro, Spain)
  • Teaching clinical, social and personality psychology and communication at Hungarian universities

Hundreds of lectures and publications in Hungary and abroad.
Languages: Hungarian, English, German
Married, father of 5 children

Schützenberger Anne Ancelin

Ph.D., T.E.P.

Born in 1919 is French, raised and educated in Paris (France). She lives in Paris and is a University Professor in Psychology, Professor Emeritus, University of Nice. She was a Professor of Clinical Social Psychology there since 1967 (actually professor emeritus, still giving some lectures in various Universities and congresses, on clinical socio-psychology, non verbal communication, and trangenerational links). She was trained in psychodrama by J. L. Moreno from 1951 and also by Jim Enneis (St Elisabeth’s Hospital, Washington DC); in group-dynamics and psycho-sociology at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, 1950-52) and also at the National Training Laboratories (NTL, Bethel, Maine, USA) with Kurt Lewin’s group, Leon Festinger, Ronald Lippitt, Alvin Zander. She was the first European to be trained at N.T.L. (1951). She worked with Carl Rogers, Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, Leon Festinger, the Palo Alto group and their non-verbal communication research group.

Professor Anne Schützenberger was also a student of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross; and a visitor in Moshe Feldenkrais’ Body Work training for 2 years in USA and Paris. She is a co-founder with J.L. Moreno of IAGP, and organized the First International Congress of Psychodrama in Paris, (1964), and also the First European Congress of Humanistic Psychology and Psychotherapy in Paris in 1971.

At 89 years, she is still working, running groups, lecturing, and training in psychodrama, non verbal-communication, group-psychotherapy, unfinished tasks (Zeigarnik Effect), unfinished mourning of various losses, and transgenerational links.

She is one of the main pioneers in the field of transgenerational therapy (genosociogram, encompassing five to seven generation and “coined” the term psychogenealogy) and had become a best seller with Aie, Mes Aieux Paris, DDB, 1992; – translated in 9 languages (in English, The Ancestor Syndrome, London, Routledge, has a long chapter in a collective English Book Psychodrama, Advances in theory and practice, London, Routledge, July 2007- and a recent new book Psychogenealogie, Paris, Payot, Nov. 2007 .

Professor Anne Schützenberger is an expert on Psychodrama (certified TEP) for the United Nations (Europe) since 1970, and is an International trainer and supervisor in Psychodrama (TEP), working on 5 continents for 40 years.
She has received many awards, especially, the Prix de l’Aide Alliée à la Resistance (1948) for her work in the French Underground, (during World War II), the Soroptimist International Award (1950) and an honorary fellowship from the International Association for Group-psychotherapy (IAGP) (2002) She was one of the co-founders of IAGP – and pioneers in groupwork psychodrama and group-analysis since 1950.

She has become a best-seller at 80 with her book on transgenerational links [The Ancestor Syndrome] translates in seven languages, and has written many books and chapters in many books in French and English, in Europe and USA. [for French] [for English]

Tarashoeva Galabina

Psychiatrist, psychodrama psychotherapist, living and working in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Certified Psychodrama Psychotherapist, from Stockholm Psychodrama Academy and from Psychodrama Institute for Europe (1993). Founder and director of Psychodrama Center “Orpheus” – a private institute for psychotherapy (since 1993). Trainer, educator and supervisor. Founding member of FEPTO. Born in 1954 in Galiche, Bulgaria

Address: 54, Atanas Uzunov Str., Sofia 1505, Bulgaria
Mob Tel: +359 888 209 929 E-mail:
Language: English, Russian

Working: Chief of the Emergency Mental Health Ward in the City Mental Health Center – Sofia. Representative of the Bulgarian Medical Association in the National Council for Psychiatric Health.
Private practice: psychiatric and psychotherapeutic (individual, family, group) practice in “Orpheus”

Studies – Medical Academy, Sofia, graduated in 1979, Graduated as Psychiatrist in 1984 – Medical Academy Sofia
Psychodrama education: in 1986 I met the Psychodrama and many psychodramatists in Zagreb, at IX IAGP Congress. During the next 3 years I wrote letters to Zerka Moreno, Göran Högberg and other psychodramatists, and also to the Bulgarian Ministry of Health in order to open the door for psychodrama education in Bulgaria. I organized the first Psychodrama training group in Bulgaria. In this group, educated under the program of Stockholm Psychodrama Academy, I got my own training in psychodrama. My main trainer was Göran Högberg, but in the same time I had the chance to learn from some of the best psychodramatists: Zerka Moreno, David Kipper, Monica Zuretti, Sue Daniel, Bernhard Achterberg, Roberto de Inocencio, Marcia Karp, Rene Marineau, and many others. I reached the level of psychodrama psychotherapist in 1993.
Psychodrama training given: 18 groups for personal development, 5 first level groups, and one – second level group in Psychodrama Center Orpheus. Special seminars, trainings for different teams – crisis interventions, group dynamic and group work, team building and some others. Workshops and presentations at national and international psychiatric and psychotherapeutic congresses

Co-founder of Psychodrama Institute for Europe (PIfE) (1989) and member of PIfE Board – 1993-1997. Participated in the PIfE Conferences in 1991 – Budapest, 1993 – Sofia, 1994 -Salgotarian, 1995 – Gelnhausen. Co-organizer of PIfE Conference in Sofia – 1993.
Co-founder of Bulgarian Society of Psychodrama and Group Therapy (BSPGT) – 1990
1990 – 1992 – President of the BSPGT.
1996 – until now – member of its Committee for Training standards.
2005 – 2007 – chairperson of its Ethic Committee
Participated actively in the first Conference of BSPGT – 2007, Sofia, and in the second one, Sopfia, 2009
Co-founder of the Bulgarian Association of Psychotherapy (BAP) -1993.
1993 – 2000 – member of the Ethic Committee of BAP.
1993 – until now – member of the Committee for Training standards in BAP.
2000 – 2005 – vice – president of BAP
Participated actively in the first conference of BAP -2008, Sofia
Founding member of Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organizations (FEPTO) since 1994:
1996 – 1997 – member of the FEPTO Newsletter Committee
1997 – 2004 – member of the FEPTO Training Committee
1998 – Psychodrama Center “Orpheus” became an institutional member of FEPTO
2002 – Co-organizer of the 10th FEPTO Annual Meeting in Sofia
since 2008 – Member of FEPTO Research Committee
Participated in FEPTO annual meetings in 1994 – Oxford, 1995 – Leuven, 1996 – Leuven, 1998 -Diez, 2000 – Budapest, 2001 – Grasse, 2002 – Sofia, 2003 – Estoril, 2004 – Kauniainen, 2008 – Bearsden, 2009 _ Ghent.
Member of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy (IAGP) since 1992
1993 – 1998 – representative of IAGP for Bulgaria.
2003 – 2006 Member of Scientific Program Committee of 16th Congress of IAGP in Brazil – 2006 and Coordinator of Poster Subcommittee.
Participated in IAGP Congresses in 1986 – Zagreb, 1989 – Amsterdam, 1992 – Montreal, 2006 – Sao Paolo, 2008 – Barcelona, 2009 – Rome.
1996 – Member of the World Council of Psychotherapy (WCP) and the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP). Participated in the 1st Congress of WCP – 1996 – Vienna.

Author of articles in scientific journals and of the chapter “Psychodrama” in the Bulgarian book “Psihoterapiia – metodi i napravleniia” (“Psychotherapy – methods and trends”), editor: Prof. Hristo Hristozov, 2002, Sofia.
A chapter “Neuroplasticidade e mudanca terapeutica” together with Petra Marinova in “PSICODRAMA E NEUROCIENCIA – CONTRIBUICOES PARA A MUDANCA TERAPEUTICA”, editor: HELOISA FLEURY, AGORA, Sao Paulo, 2008

Download > The Psychodrama came back to Balkans

Main topics of interest – Psychodrama, Group Psychotherapy, Group dynamic, Individual and Family Psychotherapy, Organizational Counseling, Psychiatry and Neuroscience.


Westberg Monica

Monika WestbergE-mail:

Born in Lidköping and moving from home 15 years old to Stockholm. Hostess for the first meeting for creating FEPTO 1992 with people from all Europe and Israel, Russia and Turkey.

Founder of Norwegian Psychodrama School that started with 42 students 1986 together with Eva Röine, supported by Mandala Centre Bauker, Norway. Run by Harald and Benedicte Thiis.

Founder o Psychodrama Academy 1987 together with Ingrid Göransson and Göran Högberg.  The Academy is still going on.

Some of my experience:

Part of a group that developed a class analytic model 1978-1982
And we where working in big groups and applicate the methods.

Starting to work fulltime as a Psychodramatist running groups and using psychodrama as Supervision method in the social healthcare sector since 1980.
Teacher and administrator of Psykodrama Akademin.
From 1998 was the education included in Ersta Sköndal University .
As 30 points program on the advanced level for teacher, psychologists, medical doctors, nurses and social workers.

President of Psykodrama Akademin since 2001.
Teacher in Luleå Technical University.
In a course named Pedagogic leadership 15 points advanced level

Different Project for lonely coming refugee children and their personal.
2004- ongoing
Project in Gymnasium school for the students named Raoul Wallenberg as a roll model 2012-2013

Articles about our project in Psychodrama News and Drama Nytt.
FEPTO first publication 1 chapter about Class analysis
Skapande Ögonblick; edit. Hans Berglind
Sociodrama around the world
Sociopsychodrama net from the conference in Patagonia and Buenos Aires Argentina.