Please forward this announcement to your trainees and your graduated students of the past three years! 

Wearelookingforauthorsofexcellenttheses in Psychodrama   

Gifted trainees and psychodramatists (graduated 2020-2024) who contribute with their psychodrama thesis to practitioner research in health, education, management, theatre and in general.

Rewarded by the FEPTO community with financial support to present the thesis at a research committee meeting.

Read the application requirements and send your thesis inby



  • The thesis should contribute to practitioner research in psychodrama, ensuring the quality of psychodrama work and/or further developing the method.
  • The thesis should be a study of excellent quality regarding theory, methodology, and presentation.
  • The thesis should provide a clear question of research/ inquiry, an appropriate investigation method, a sound structure, and scientific writing.
  • The theoretical part should show an in-depth substantive dialogue with the chosen topic, including current and relevant literature from related fields.
  • Research methodology/ methods of inquiry should be presented and applied according to common scientific standards
  • The study should potentially serve as a role model for other students.

How to proceed

  • Two supervisors/trainers who read the thesis in the original language should write a recommendation according to the above-stated criteria. It should include all the reasons why the thesis is recommended.
  •  The complete thesis (only if originally written in English), abstract and extended abstract in English should be sent to the award committee in the given time frame.