Еxchange of knowledge and ideas and advancement of psychodrama

Let us talk a little about Moreno’s Philosophy and how and what we think about it, trying to open up many questions to understand it

Moreno had a vision of psychotherapy designed to treat all of humanity by addressing both the personal and social aspects of mental health and well-being.

What is Psychodrama

A little girl asked her Mum, “What’s life?”. Mum replied, “Life is what happens to you while you’re waiting to grow up.”… read more

What is Sociodrama

Psyhodrama has been defined as a way of practicing without being punished for making mistakes; that is to say, practicing grpwing up while you are doing it. The action that takes place in a group is a way of looking at one’s life as it moves. It is a way of looking at what happened and what didn’t happen in a given situation… read more

News, Annoncements, Invitations

19th FEPTO CONFERENCE May 9-11, 2025

Psychodrama and Values:
Addressing and Integrating Diverse Perspectives

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Call for articles

Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie-Themenheft “Protagonist* Call for articles…

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Professional Articles

Current and well-founded information of psychodrama theory, research and practice.

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FEPTO Psychodrama Students Award 2025

Please forward this announcement to your trainees and your …

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Minimal Training Standards

Quantitative Requirements For Psychodrama Training

  • The minimum contact training hours is 720
  • The minimum number of psychodrama practice hours is 160.
  • Together 880 hours.
  • The minimum duration of the psychodrama training is 4 years.

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Integration Of Research In Training

Preliminary education for an application in psychodrama training: a University or Higher Education degree (Bachelor) in a field relevant to the applicant’s area of practice.

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Psychodrama With Children

min. of 20 hours for research in psychodrama Learning outcome:
– to know, apply, analyze, discuss and criticize… qualitative/ quantitative evaluation/ research methods;

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How to become a member

To become a Member of FEPTO, an Organization must first attend one FEPTO Annual Meeting as a Guest.

Fepto members

The founding members

The founding members are the people who signed the statute at the time of the foundation.

Training organizations

Organizations that provide a psychodrama training programme.

Accrediting organizations

Organizations giving recognition, certificates and/or set standards for psychodrama training.

Renewal of the membership

for Training Organizations/Accrediting Organizations/Individual Members

Fepto Network Groups

Task force for peacebuilding and conflict transformation

During the year passed we had two ZOOM-meetings and one group meeting during the IAGP Congress in Malmö. Those who were not present in Malmö joined us by ZOOM. The aim of the meetings was to plan a Conference for 2019…more

Transcultural supervision psychodrama (TIP)

After a long email dialogue, coordinating by the kind help of Arsa and a quantitative and qualitative change of the membership, the new network group of FEPTO was born...more

Pcychodrama with children and youth

Understanding children’s play is a serious science and an art at the same time. International psychodramatists working with children and teenagers have been gathering regularly for several years with the support of FEPTO...more


Indeed, the Matrix Group is born in 2006 during FEPTO Annual Meeting in Cluj-Napoca.

We shared so many things in last 10 years, and, as psychodramatists, we anchored most of the exchanges in experiencing…more

French speaking group

The 6th annual meeting of the French-speaking group took place this year online on August 27th and 28th , 2022. Those in attendance during these two days were: Inna Braneva (Bulgaria), Colette Esmenjaud (France), Pascal Graulus (Belgium), more

University cooperation group

In FEPTO the focus of psychodrama is predominantly on psychotherapy training in private training institutes. However, in daily practice and in university studies like psy-chology, social pedagogy, philosophy, sociology, cultural studies etc…more

Psychodrama.World, is a FEPTO platform for documentation and exchange on psychodrama theory, philosophy, practice, and research in various professional fields.

Publications & Projects













Articles from trainees




Morenian Identity, Theory and Methodology

The Moreno House project

POTENS project

FEPTO book project

Research in Fepto

In the 2005, the first Spontaneity Assessment Inventory followed by the second 2006, named Spontaneity Assessment Inventory-Revised. This tool consists of 18 items arranged on a 5-point Likert scale and designed to mesure the intensity of the presence of the spontaneity. …read more…

Scientific validation of psychodrama therapy

15 EAP questioner

The modality has to be scientifically valid, to be proved by answering the following 15 questions: …read more