Communication & Digital Committee
Chair:Katerina Iieva,
Editor of the FEPTO Newsletter
Guidelines for FEPTO News
- On the right side of the front page, the first number should be the last figure of the current year and the second figure should be the number of the issue.
- Newsletter Committee chair is responsible for collecting the final articles.
- The authors are responsible for the language correction of their articles.
- After the final check up the articles are sent to their authors and they are responsible to forward it to the chair of the Newsletter Committee.
- Articles should not exceed 1000 words, written in “Arial 9”. The photos must be .jpg format and should not exceed 800k and must be sent one by one.
- The president and vice-president will receive the first draft. They give the final O.K.
- The newsletter should have different sections and each section should have a different rubric.
- The name of the author will follow the title and the e-mail address will be put at the end of the article.
- The events which are to be announced must be international and of general interest.
Psychodrama Journals and Newsletters
- Centre for Training and Intervention in Psychosociology (CFIP), December 2022: Contact
- Asociación Española de Psicodrama (AEP), October 2022: La hoja de psicodrama
- Revista de Psicodrama, terapia familiar y otras Tecnicas grupales (ITGP), March 2021 : Vinculos
- Psychodrama Centre Orpheus, December 2019: Newsletter
- International Journal of Psychotherapy, June 2017: Special issue on Psychodrama Psychotherapy
- New journal of Psychodrama, Sociodrama and Sociometry: Double
- London Centre for Psychodrama (LCP): LCP Newsletter
- Romanian Association of Classical Psychodrama and Psychodrama Society “J.L. Moreno”: Psihodrama
- Istanbul Psychodrama Institute bilingual Turkish/English, vol.6: Psychodrama e-journal
- British Psychodrama Association (BPA): Tele archive
- Psychodrama Institut für Europa: 2015 PIfE Newsletter
- Associazione Italiana Psicodrammatisti Moreniani (AIPsiM): Psicodramma Classico
- ODeF: Journal francophone de Méthodes d’Action et de Psychodrame Humanistes Relation et Action
- American Society of group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP): Psychodrama Network News Fall 2019
Committee report in December 2021
Being responsible for communication in our organization, the Communication Committee has three main channels. These are the Website, the Newsletter FEPTO.News, and the Facebook page
We make every effort to develop and keep them adequate to the requirements of technology and the peculiarities of the time in which we now live. Despite the complications this year has brought to all of us, we managed to offer timely and up-to-date information to our membership and regularly update it. In all its activities the Communication committee works in very close coordination with the council.
Given the pandemic situation, this year set particularly high demands on communication in order to keep the community together and save the internal life of the organization. Thus, in a natural way the communication committee and in particular me as its chairman, was very essentially involved in the realization of events, through ZOOM, organized by the Council.
We are also responsible for developing and monitoring the communications policies. As you may know, actions have been taken to merge the two Facebook profiles. The one, which was created 6 years ago, and for which the board has administrative rights and password to access, and the one which was created anonymously in the past and to which FEPTO has no rights to administrate. The idea of merging is to avoid spillage of information. To facilitate the work of the webmaster, it is recommended that the information submitted for the Psychodrama calendar be translated into English. Also, in order to offer the most up-to-date and timely information, it is desirable to inform us when changing the dates so that we can publish the change.
Ina Ilieva
Tallinn report
When taking on this responsibility in 2017, I was very grateful for the trust I was given. I wanted to contribute to the organization I respected long before I became part of it.Taking the role, I started with a study of the rules and duties of my job. In this process, I was accompanied in an incredibly benevolent way by Nikos Takis and Horatiu Nil Albini. The three of us together with Ana Cruz became partners on the editorial team. They were my eyes, my orientation and my structure in the creative process.
In accordance with my understanding that continuity must be respected, I discussed tasks or ideas to be continued with the previous Communication committee chair.
For this period, we released 6 editions, each one with its specific vision, trying to express the basic mood or characteristic idea of the period. As editor of the newsletter, my aim was to keep it interesting, attractive and functional . In this regard, I worked on a new interactive layout.
The first step was to make the page-numbers in the content (on the title page) linked. By clicking the page number , the reader could directly access the article. This is more convenient and time saving than scrolling. The next step was to embed a navigation panel in each page. This made the newsletter become truly electronic.
Regarding the website my aim was to keep it an updated community archive. This couldn’t be realized without the energy and the dedication of our dear webmaster Horatiu. Thanks to his active engagement with the question of widening the directory, we were able to expand on Pierre Fontaine’s idea of the directory of FEPTO countries.
In closing, I would like to encourage you to give us feedback about the newsletter and website.
Ina Ilieva
Report for the period May – October 2016
Accomplished tasks since Marathon meeting, May, 2016
- Updating of the website: All new information concerning the reports from the chairs of committees, invitation for next conference and annual meeting in Stockholm, psychodrama calendar, minutes from the General Assembly in Marathon is uploaded on the website. Old information is also updated like psychodrama calendar etc.
- Facebook: For this period we have nine posts on our Facebook page – pictures from meeting in Marathon, invitation for Trainers’ conference “Sociometry and Shadow“, announcement of Zerka Moreno passing, the last FEPTO Newsletter, a movie for the Conference in Marathon, etc. The post for Zerka had reached the greatest number of people (2839), the second popular post is the Newsletter.
- Newsletter: The September issue of FEPTO Newsletter is published on the website and was sent to FEPTO members via email. The content includes various topics and articles like letters and echoes after passing of Zerka Moreno, reports from the chairs of the committees, invitations, minutes from last General Assembly etc.
Recent tasks
- Improvement of the layout of the website (needs a lot of efforts and is very time-consuming)
- Achieving more activity on FEPTO Facebook page
a.posts reach people but there is no activity from the members
b. more invitations for upcoming events could be published. - Preparation for the Newsletter issue in December.
Keep in touch!
I am very glad to have the opportunity to work as a chair of FEPTO Communication Committee for the next two years. I really believe that communication is vital and is one of the most important parts of our contemporary life that helps us bring together the main ideas of FEPTO and technical innovations. One of my main goals will be improving the website and the newsletter – our federation’s face to the world.
Concerning the website the first step will be to ensure a timely update of information in order to be useful for all of us. The next step will be to restructure the website and to align its content to the main goals of FEPTO:
- Scientific and social exchange
- Training standards
- Ethical guidelines
- Promotion of research
… and to provide relevant information with regards to it.
The Council and I personally will take care for the timely edition and publishing of the newsletter and updating of the FEPTO Facebook page with focus on relevant information concerning our community.
In addition, we will implement Membership Extranet, an idea created and developed by Reijo Kauppila. The main purpose of it will be to improve the information exchange between the members of FEPTO.
The council and I will be very glad to receive thoughts, opinions and suggestions regarding the current situation and the improvement of communication between us.
Looking forward to hear from you,
Keep in touch,
Milena Mutafchieva
Report for Lisbon 2014
This will be my third Newsletter since my appointment to Chair of the Newsletter and Website Committee. It has indeed been quite an adventure, learning the tools of the trade, reading all the back issues edited so wonderfully by Horatiu Nil Albini in order to understand how to interface with our FEPTO Community at my best.
Of course, as in all successful entrepreneurial adventures, I am not alone. The FEPTO Newsletter is the creation of a Dream Team made up of three people: Liliana Ribeiro, Newsletter Designer and creative magician; Horatiu Nil Albini, Webmaster and skilful wiseman who guides us through the night with his enchanting music; and myself, humble Newsletter Editor.
The FEPTO Community is growing and so are our ambitions. The Chair of Research has proposed to join forces and transform the Newsletter into a Journal. This is maybe for the future but I propose we plant a seed and water it to see what kind of plant our FEPTO garden will grow.
The Newsletter is a medium of communication and as such represents the fruit and folly of our family. Please send ideas, thoughts and advice our way to help us improve this platform and suggest the kinds of transformations you would like to see.
Leandra Perrotta
Chair of the Newsletter and Website Committee
- Newsletter and Website Committee in October 2013
Taking on the role of Chairs of the Newsletter and Website Committee has been a challenge. But when we “look ahead up the white road”, there is always a third walking beside us. And a fourth has stepped in on our path too!
After many years of untiring and dedicated effort, Horatiu Nil Albini has stepped back from Chair of the Website and Newsletter Committee but is continuing with his role as Web master. We are very grateful for all his work and we are excited that he will walk beside us in the adventure of setting up a totally new website – which will very soon be “on air”! Thank you Horatiu!
The website is aesthetically pleasing with a modern feel to it. The navigation of the pages will be much more user-friendly and new pages have been added for the Network Groups which are a solid reality of FEPTO – Matrix, Transcultural Intervision Psychodrama (TIP), Psychodrama with Children and Task Force for Peace and Conflict Resolution.
The fourth traveler on our road is Liliana Ribeiro. She is the Newsletter Magician – taking texts and turning them into works of wonder. She has designed a totally new layout and we thank her for her gift of creativity and great support in providing a Newsletter which has traditionally been a place where the Community converges to share Committee Reports, magical moments in psychodrama, secret recipes, invitations to psychodrama events and news of publications and projects.
FEPTO is acquiring more and more visibility abroad and spiking the curiosity of fellow organizations. Sue Daniel from the Australian and Aotearoa Board of Psychodrama (ABP), willingly accepted to update us on the state of the art of psychodrama “down under” (Aotearoa is the Maori name for New Zealand). Paulo Bareicha and Heloisa Fleury from the Brazilian Federation of Psychodrama (FEBRAP), promised us a contribution on the situation of psychodrama in Brazil for the next issue.
We are looking forward to journeying on the white road together.
Leandra Perrotta
7. 21.12.2012 / Newsletter and Website Committee in December 2012
Today, the 21st of December, the world should have ended. It did in a way. Tomorrow a new world will be celebrated, and our committee will contribute to it with a new newsletter, a new editor, a new website. Next year together with Liliana Ribeiro we will prepare the three issues of the FN and I will accompany her in the transition period. Some things will change; some others will remain the same. Among them we hope our cooperation, our passion for psychodrama, our respect for diversity and multiculturallity. And our way of searching new ideas, of sharing and networking.
For that I want to introduce the new FEPTO website, on air from the 10th of January. You will find not only a facelift with a new and more interactive design, but also some interesting devices. Such are: a simplified navigation with pages at the distance of one click; “sticky” persistent header menu; increased readability with larger text sizes, complete page width that can be used for texts and overall better space use; easier multilanguage content management;
“Google-like” window search function; better newsletter management; redesigned photo gallery, with gallery and album thumbnails; search engine optimization with easier indexing content by search engines; active emails and simplified structure.
What’s left to do? Nothing, except to line the lines, to face the face, to light the lights, to judge the judge. And to send us feedback to help in building a better website next time.
Horatiu Nil Albini
Newsletter and Website Committee chair
8. About a European Psychodrama Journal
We have initiated a discussion in the Newsletter and Web Committee about the idea of an international (European Psychodrama) Journal. We started in Ghent, two years ago, together with Norbert and Elisabeth Apter. It is Christmas now, while I am writing: when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, if your heart is in a dream, no request is too extreme… So let’s give it more than a dream, let’s give it a try!
But before, we should realize that our psychodrama stage has become not only a European one, but a world wide stage, in which more than once co-creators do not know too much about each others’ work, some countries are still, from psychodrama point of view, white areas and networking is rather a wishful thinking than being a reality. Nevertheless many institutes in various countries are more than dynamic, inviting foreign trainers for seminars, training or supervision, organizing the national day of Psychodrama in their country, or including a Psychodrama section into the broader Psychotherapy Congresses.
We tried a first step in introducing their programs in a Psychodrama Calendar, presenting the main PD events like national conferences, international congresses, summer academies in order to link these efforts and to create a space where our trainees, but not only, can find the most interesting offers. Since four years ago – November 2006 – following the idea of Pierre Fontaine, we have prepared and later uploaded the PD calendar in the FEPTO website and ended each years’ December Newsletter with it. Some other Institutes did the same. Maybe it is the right time now to move a step further. For these reasons, we propose to work towards a way to share our insights, thoughts, doubts, topics of research, through a European Psychodrama Journal.
This way of communication could give us the chance to a dynamic exchange of ideas, invites to cooperation and more interconnected work, allowing us to have a clear voice in the European chorus of Group Psychotherapies. And in the end, giving an opportunity for an open market, pushing away the cultural conserves, bridging different cultures, different ways of understanding the Morenian encounter, the psychodrama theory, its applications.
Our proposal therefore is to start building a network of Psychodrama Journal and Newsletter editors, ready to work together, mostly through Internet, for preparing this. Being too expensive to think of a printed format for the moment, we believe than an e-journal would offer all opportunities to start this project. Such a network of editors could create the first frame of an editorial committee, discussing the proposed articles and deciding the main interest for the future. In such case, every issue could have a main topic, like Future Projection, Dreams and Psychodrama (why I am thinking of these particular ones?), and so many others, you name it.
The articles could be presented bilingual, in English and the original language, and the Journal could provide an attached forum for leaving comments; free for being uploaded by any interested institute or association within FEPTO.
Maybe it is just Christmas. Any proposals?
Horatiu Nil Albini
Newsletter and Website Committee Chair
- Report of the Newsletter and Web Committee, October 2010
The FEPTO Newsletter 10.2 was uploaded in the web, at Newsletter > The current issue and was sent to all representatives of FEPTO organizational members and founding members through email. 25 of our colleagues made a contribution for the last issue of the FN. For FEPTO Newsletter 10.3 the deadline is 30th of November, and more than 13 articles and announcements are already prepared.
More than 30 links were added only in the last week to the ones already active, now a total of more than 600 in the whole web.
A link was establish from the Romanian association SPJLM and the FEPTO website A message was sent to all representatives asking that such a link is to be considered, and some already did so, like the London Psychodrama Association. Also representatives from IAGP, EAP, ANZPA and FEBRAP were asked to add our website to their links.
The prices were kept as low as possible, all work being done by the webmaster, so no money spend for changing or updating the web, and the two issues of the FN were prepared (design, editing) for EUR 50 each one, 1/6 of the previous Newsletter Committee expenses.
All feed backs will help us to improve our work.
Horatiu Nil Albini
Newsletter Committee Chair
- Newsletter and Web Committee in February 2010
The new FEPTO website is active at (link not active anymore) since last September. The total costs for the design, operational work and maintaining and updating the web was 700 Euro, inside the approved budget.
This is the result of a group work and I would like once again to thank all those who have contributed until now: the Council for discussing and deciding the structure of the web pages; Pierre Fontaine, Judith Teszáry and Celia Scanlan for providing the files for FEPTO presentation; Marcia Karp for An Introduction to Psychodrama; previous chairs of different committees – Pierre Fontaine, Jutta Fürst, İngi Doğaner for the guidelines, Maurizio Gasseau for the Code of Ethics; the previous Newsletter Committees for providing us such rich material – Wilma Scategni, Judith Teszáry, Johannes Barz; all those who have worked for the translation of files – Stefano Cavalito and Wilma Scategni for the Italian translation, Nese Karabekir and Altinay Deniz for the Turkish, Lothar Shäeffer and Hilde Gött for the German, Chantal Nève-Hanquet for the French, Luis de Nicolas y Martinez and Maria Landeta Asunción for the Spanish, Vladimir and Elena Romek for the Russian; Pierre Nève and Pierre Fontaine for their archive of photos, Juhani Viherlahti, Peter John Schouten, Vladimir Romek for technical ideas; Antonio Roma Torres, webmaster of the for his dedicated work; all those who have sent us an article, a web-link, a photo, a logo or “just” inspiration.
We have decided not to have active e-mail addresses, in order to avoid their abuse for junk messages by the search automatic engines.
All the links are free, except the FEPTO membership list, which requires a password, for reasons of privacy. The password was sent to all representatives of FEPTO institutional members.
Articles are to be sent to Pierre Fontaine and Judith Teszáry who will scrutinize them. The forum is moderated by Peter John Shouten. A page for Site map with active links was prepared to ease the surfing.
Here are some features: About FEPTO, if you click on one of the 6 flags at bottom page you will find the translations in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Turkish. You will find a photo gallery at About FEPTO > History >bottom of the page, right side along Annual Meeting History > Name of the Annual Meeting > click on the photo and next.
At Book section more than 70 titles were downloaded, also in different languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish. The Russian language books page is under construction.
In order to honor the work of previous Councils an Archive page was downloaded, with the members of all Councils from 1992 until now, including the photo copy of the FEPTO constitution document at the Louvain meeting, the 17th of February 1996, see
We will continue to update the web, including news from institutional members, new internal and external links, photos, new issue of the FEPTO Newsletter, GA minutes from Bearsden, articles, and books.
In case you need any information about using the web please feel free to write me at any time. Feed-backs are welcome, helping us to improve and to build a better website.
Horatiu Nil Albini
Newsletter Committee chair.