Peace to the Psychodramatist French – Brazilien Pierre Weil

The psychodramatist Pierre Weil (April 1924 – 10 October 2008) just passed away.

Born in Colmar, France, he did the highschool in Strasbourg, France and did his PhD in Psychology in Paris.

Work psychologist, he was interested in many things, and also he learned Psychodrama in Paris with Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger.
Interested by active methods of pedagogy, he went to Brazil for some years where he stayed all his life, coming every year to Europe, namely to Portugal and France.

He married in Brazil and France and had children and grandchildren at both sides of the Atlantic ocean. He was also musician and he played the flute. He wrote many books in portuguese and french about psychodrama, human relations, humanist psychology and even made with Marabout an ilustrated book about non-verbal communication.

The royalties from some of his books were donnated to a foundation for the development of population of American indians.

He was too young for some years to have been mobilized in 1939, and I don`t know if him or his family, did suffer directly from the war, nor in which region, but I think that I remember that in a book about his life, he gave details about pathways that his idealism and sense of duty made him take.

As every Alsacian, therefore in the border of France and Germany, he knew about the conflicts among cutures and among roman and germanic traditions, also the hardways of his family with 3 different religions.

He introduced Psychodrama in Brazil in the 60`s. Interested by Gandhi, and after, I believe a cancer, he went to a retreat of 3 years, 3 moths and 3 weeks in a Tibetan monatery in France. Passionate about peace, he founded Unipaz Brazil, the Peace University teaching simultaneously universal peace, peace in and betwen countries, peace in families, peace with neighbours and peace within and that is why he received in 2000 in Paris the Unesco Prize for Peace Education.

He just passed away, in his house in Brazil, with the age of 84 years old.
Peace to Pierre Weil and lets hope that his quest for peace will continue. He was a fair man and a honorable man.

Anne Ancelin Schützenberger (89 years old) Paris, 21 October 2008.

Paz ao Psicodramatista franco-brasileiro Pierre Weil

O Psicodramatista Pierre Weil acabou de partir (16 de Abril – 10 de Outubro 2008).

Nascido em Colmar,Alsácia, França, fez os seus estudos secundários em Estrasburgo e o seu Doutoramento em Psicologia em Paris.
Psicólogo do trabalho, interessado por muitas coisas, ele também aprendeu psicodrama em Paris com Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger.

Interessado pelos métodos de pedagogia activa, ele partiu por alguns anos para o Brasil e finalmente aí ficou para o resto da sua vida, voltando todos os anos à Europa e,em particular, a Portugal e a França.
Ele casou no Brasil e em França e tem filhos e netos dos dois lados do Atlântico. Ele também era músico e tocava flauta.

Ele escreveu muitos livros em português e em francês sobre psicodrama, relações humanas , psicologia humanista e fez até um livro ilustrado sobre comunicação não-verbal. Os lucros de alguns dos seus livros foram oferecidas a uma fundação para o desenvolvimento das populações dos índios americanos.

Ele seria demasiado jovem em alguns anos para ter sido mobilizado para a guerra em 1939, nem sei se ele ou a sua família sofreram directamente os efeitos da guerra, nem em que região, mas creio recordar que num livro seu de memórias, ele falava sobre os caminhos que os seus ideais e seu sentido de dever o levaram a tomar.

Como todo o Alsaciano, logo da fronteira entre a França e Alemanha, ele conheceu os conflitos entre culturas e tradições romanas e germânicas, as tensões nacionais e aquelas da sua própria família entre três religiões.

Ele introduziu o Psicodrama no Brasil nos anos 60. O seu livro em português foi publicado em 1967.

Interessado por Gandhi, e após, creio, que um cancro, ele fez um retiro de 3 anos, 3 meses e 3 semanas num mosteiro tibetano em França. Apaixonado pela paz, ele fundou no Brasil a Unipaz. A Universidade para a paz ensina à vez a paz universal, a paz entre os países, a paz das famílias, a paz com os vizinhos e paz com o próprio – Foi por isso que recebeu em 2000, em Paris, o prémio da Unesco da Educação para a Paz.

Ele acabou de fazer a passagem, em sua casa no Brasil, com 84 anos.
Paz a Pierre Weil e esperamos que o seu combate pela paz continue.
Era um homem justo e honrado.

Anne Ancelin Schützenberger (89 anos) Paris, 21 de Outubro 2008.

Paz al psicodramatista franco-brasileño Pierre Weil

El psicodramatista Pierre Weil acaba de partir (16 de abril de 1924 – 10 de octubre de 2008)

Nacido en Colmar, Alsacia, Francia, cursó sus estudios secundarios en Estrasburgo y obtuvo un doctorado en Psicología en París.
Psicólogo Laboral, interesado en muchas cosas, aprendió también psicodrama en París con Anne Ancelin Schützenberger.

Interesado en los métodos de pedagogía activa, partió por algunos años para Brasil y, finalmente, quedó allí para el resto de su vida, volviendo todos los años a Europa, en particular a Portugal y Francia.

Se casó en Brasil y en Francia y tuvo hijos y nietos a ambos lados del Atlántico.Era también músico y tocaba la flauta.
Escribió numerosos libros en portugués y en francés sobre psicodrama, relaciones humanas,psicología humanista y hasta hizo un libro ilustrado sobre comunicación no verbal (en Marabout). Los “royalti” de algunos de sus libros fueron ofrecidos a una fundación para el desarrollo de las poblaciones de indios americanos.

Él era demasiado joven para haber sido movilizado en 1939, pero no sé si él y su familia sufrieron directamente los efectos de la guerra, ni en qué región; pero creo recordar que en un libro suyo de recuerdos, da detalles sobre los caminos que su idealismo y su sentido del deber lo llevaron a seguir.

Como todo alsaciano, por lo tanto ubicado en las fronteras entre Francia y Alemania, conoció los conflictos entre las culturas y las tradiciones romanas y germánicas, los desgarros nacionales y los de su propia familia, ubicada entre tres religiones.

Introdujo el psicodrama en Brasil en los años 60. Su libro en portugués fue publicado en 1967.

Interesado en Gandhi, y yo creo que después de un cáncer, hizo un retiro de 3 años, 3 meses y 3 días, en un monasterio tibetano en Francia.
Apasionado por la paz, fundó en Brasil UNIPAZ, la Universidad para la Paz y enseñó, a la vez, la paz universal, la paz entre los países, la paz en las familias, la paz con los vecinos y la paz consigo mismo. Por esto recibió en el año 2000, en París, el premio de la Unesco de Educación para la Paz.

Acaba de extinguirse, en su casa en Brasil a la edad de 84 años.
Paz a Pierre Weil y estamos seguros que su acción por la paz continuará.
Era un justo y un hombre honorable.

Anne Ancelin Schützenberger (89 años), Paris, 21 de Outubro 2008.

Paix au psychodramatiste franco-brésilien Pierre Weil

Le psychodramatiste Pierre Weil (16 Avril 1924 – Octobre 2008) vient de s’éteindre.

Né à Colmar, il a fait ses études secondaires à Strasbourg et passé un doctorat en Psychologie à Paris.
Psychologue du travail, intéressé par beaucoup de choses, il avait aussi appris le psychodrame à Paris avec Anne Ancelin Schützenberger.

Intéressé par les méthodes de pédagogie active, il était parti pour quelques années au Brésil et finalement, il y était resté toute sa vie, tout en revenant chaque année en Europe et en particulier au Portugal et en France.

Il s’est marié au Brésil et en France et a des enfants et des petits-enfants des deux cotés de l’Atlantique. Il était aussi musicien et jouait de la flûte . Il a écrit de nombreux livres en portugais et en français sur le psychodrame, les relations humaines, la psychologie humaniste et a même fait chez Marabout, un livre illustré sur la communication non-verbale.

Les royalties de certains de ses livres ont été offertes à une fondation pour le développement des populations amer-indiennes.

Il était trop jeune de quelques années pour être mobilisé en 1939, mais je ne sais pas si lui et sa famille, ont souffert directement de la guerre, ni dans quelle région, mais je crois me rappeler que dans un livre de mémoires, il donnait des détails, sur les chemins, que son idéalisme et son sens du devoir, lui a fait prendre.

Comme tout Alsacien, donc à la frontière entre la France et l’Allemagne, il a connu les conflits entre les cultures et les traditions romanes et germaniques, les déchirements nationaux et ceux de sa propre famille entre trois religions.
Il a introduit le psychodrame au Brésil dans les années 1960. Cf son livre en portugais, publié en 1967.

Intéressé par Gandhi, et après, je crois un cancer, il avait fait une retraite de 3 ans, 3 mois et 3 semaines dans une lamaserie tibétaine en France.
Passionné par la paix, il avait fondé au Brésil Unipaz, l’Université pour la paix et enseigné à la fois la paix universelle, la paix dans et entre les pays, la paix des familles, la paix avec les voisins et la paix avec soi, – ce pourquoi, il avait reçu, en 2000 à Paris, le prix de l’Unesco de l’Education à la Paix.
Il vient de s’éteindre, chez lui au Brésil, à l’âge de 84 ans.

Paix à Pierre Weil et espérons que son combat pour la paix continuera. C’était un juste et un homme honorable.

Anne Ancelin Schützenberger (89 ans) Paris, 21 Octobre 2008.

Remember Pierre Weil

The founder of UNIPAZ, Peace University, great Psychodramatist (trained in psychodrama originally by Anne Ancelin Schützenberger), born in France and living in Brazil, Brasília, died the 11th of October, 2008. He won the UNESCO Prize for Education for Peace, using Psychodrama Methods.

May Peace be with You and with us All.
Manuela Maciel

Pierre Weil’s death saddened me extremely. Beside his merits for peace and psychodrama I remember him as a deeply spiritual person. He was born in Strasbourg as was my mother and sharing warm feelings for that city gave us a sort of “co-unconscious” or rather “a richer co-conscious” in addition to other mutual interests we used to discuss. I had so much hoped to see him again in Rome…

Remembering him for ever I join the large group mourning him.

Grete Leutz

I remember Pierre Weil most from the IAGP Congress in Copenhagen where we had a meeting trying to establish the First International Psychodrama Association. This was in the 1980’s. Someone took offence that we were all speaking in English and queried whether we could talk Quebecquois, where this participant was from in Canada. Doreen Elephthery got up and said, “Well I was raised in Wales, does that mean we all have to speak Gaelic?” Pierre was sitting one seat in front of me. He put his head in his hands and moaned, “Poor humanity.” A quiet observation in a chaotic moment but I was struck by the globality of his comment and his concern. He was one to see the bigger picture in a
humble way.

We were rich with his presence and we will miss him.

Marcia Karp

It was a shock to know that Pierre Weil died. He was a pioneer and good man. Pierre Weil’s death is a great loss, not only for our community, but also for the world.

He had a rich spirit, a large view of life and dedicated himself to humanity
and peace.

I will miss his not being here but he will live in my heart.


Sorry to announce the death of psychodramatist, Pierre Weil, born in Colmar, Alsace France (15 April 1924) died in his home in Brazil on October, the 8th.

Pierre Weil, PhD, has a doctorate in psychology from Paris University. He went early in Brazil and was teaching at Belo Horizonte University. He was the first to introduce psychodrama in Brazil. He created Unipaz the University for Peace in Brazil and was teaching action methods for peace in Brazil, Portugal, France …

Pierre Weil had received a special price from UNESCO for his work for peace. Peace in the world, peace in family, peace among neighbors …

I (Anne Ancelin Schützenberger) knew him well as he has been a student of mine before becoming a long duration friend, he was a deeply a spiritual person and he spend three years tree months and three weeks in a Buddhism Ashram. (…)

Pierre Weil and I have published some books together in Brazil and incidentally Pierre Weil invited to come and teach psychodrama in Brazil with Léa Pedro, around 1960.

Pierre had a very rich and fruitful life.

Be and Peace dear Pierre

Your long life friend,
Anne (89 years old)