Psychodrama in different countries-Portugal

Luísa Branco Vicente
The first Morenian Psychodrama group in Portugal remotes to the early 70’s in Lisbon, directed by Pierre Weil, who was later replaced by Anne Ancelin Schützenberger. Before any chance of formal organization regarding Psychodrama, Portugal had a troubled period of political and social revolution, in 1974 this group ended, and there was no place for all the new things that were happening.
Only in the 80’s there has been a renewed investment in psychodrama. Professionals, mainly from mental health domains, searched for foreign formation in psychodrama, mainly in Brazil and France.
In 1986 the first organized society comes to light, the Portuguese Society of Psychodrama SPP. Only two years later, in 1988, another group was founded and resulted in 1991 in the Portuguese Society of Psychoanalytic Group Psychodrama – SPPPG.
These are the two psychodrama societies in Portugal gathering together over 600 associates.
Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicodrama Psicoanalítico de Grupo (SPPPG)
Luísa Branco Vicente