Psychodrama in different countries-Spain

José Félix Fernandez
The first reference to Psychodrama in Spain goes back to 1958, when Ramón Sarró organized the International Congress of Psychotherapy in Barcelona which was attended by Moreno and, two years later, the II International Congress of Psychotherapy was also organized in Barcelona.
The School of Medicine in Barcelona had Therapeutic Theatre which was later extended to different psychiatric hospitals in Catalonia and, in 1968, Moreno returned to Barcelona to receive the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University.
During the II Seminary about Group Psychotherapy, organized in Oviedo in 1970, Pablo Población presented a paper about group psychotherapy and social therapy with young schizophrenic girls, in which psychodrama with puppets and other intermediary objects were used.
In the 70’s different professionals from Argentina that had moved to Spain, contributed with their work in psychodrama.
In 1980, in Barcelona, it was held the First Symposium of Study of Psychoanalysis-Psychodrama.
In 1982, Rojas Bermúdez forms the first group of psychodrama studies attached to the Argentina Association of Psychodrama and Group Psychotherapy.
That same year, Zerka Moreno was invited to the Symposium of Psychodrama held in Santander. She came back to Spain six years later to inaugurate the International Meeting of Psychodrama “Psychodrama and the Future”, in Barcelona.
In 1983, the fifth Encontre Catalá of Psychodrama took place, organized by the Centre of Psychodramatic Researches, ran by S. Canadé and Ruth Tarquini.
In 1984, the Spanish Association of Psychodrama (SAP) was founded. The founding meeting took place in Barcelona on the 29th of January and on the 4th of March, the first meeting of Board of Directors and its founding members took place. The founding members were Twenty-six.
The first national meeting of the SAP, that includes the different schools of psychodrama in Spain, took place in Granada that same year.
The SAP is a member of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes IAGP and the Spanish Federation of Psychotherapists Associations. > FEAP
It brings together workers and mental health advocates, from different professional fields, interested in the theory and practice of psychodrama. It has several objectives: to contribute to spread the application of psychodrama in different areas and professional environments; to foment the exchange of information and experience in Psychodrama; to promote research and scientific, professional and technical development of Psychodrama; To promote the teaching of theory and methodology of psychodrama; and to maintain eclectic basis that allow the incorporation and participation of various schools of Psychodrama.
Nowadays, it has more than one hundred and sixty members and has an accreditation system for Psychotherapists and Psychodrama Training Programs equivalent to the national and international current legislation (FEAP, FEPTO …).
The SAP has become an important place of annual meeting for the psychodramatists from different tendencies and schools. At present, it has 23 accredited schools.
Spanish Psychodrama Institutes within FEPTO
Centro Internacional de Formación
“Jakob L. y Zerka T. Moreno”
International Institute of Human Relations
“Dean and Doreen Elefthery”
Instituto de Relaciones Humanas Vitoria-Gasteiz,
Escuela de Psicodrama, Sociodrama y
Dinámica de Grupo “Z.T. Moreno”
Instituto de Técnicas de Grupo
y Psicodrama (ITGP)